Location: SULLY, Vale of Glamorgan, United Kingdom

I have worked as a professional artist and poet for many years and often exhibit a related mix of poems, short stories and paintings.Main subjects are industrial images and townscapes. Much of my work is dislplayed on a range of blogs.It is simply a matter of pictures by paint and pictures by word. I see little difference between one medium and the other.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Iechyd Da Mr. Noah Bach(Tales from Wales)

Now man did sense that God was peeved,
Homo sapiens had lost the plot,
To Noah he said, “Go! Build an ark”
To others, “You’ve had your lot”.

So Noah sailed the eastern sea
In his wide and woody tub,
But what it was that he missed most
Was a good old-fashioned pub.

For with water, water, everywhere
And he, thirsting like a drain,
The rising damp seeped through his bones
To dry rot his weary brain.

For forty days he steered that craft,
By then the sky was clear,
So he parked it by Llangeinor Arms
And called in for a beer.

And sitting there to his surprise
Was God with glass held high,
Saying, “Da iawn a chi Mister Noah bach;
Iechyd da; Here’s mud in your eye”.


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